The Thesis Writing Survival Guide
Writing a thesis or dissertation can be a tough task—this practical guide will make it much easier!
Are you a student who’s just a thesis or dissertation away from completing your degree? Do you feel it’s a hugely daunting task and you’re not sure where to begin, or how to tackle all the reading, researching, and writing ahead of you?
Don’t worry—you don’t have to do it alone! This concise guide will support you every step of the way on your journey from initial idea to completed thesis.
In this practical guide, packed with tips, tricks, and tools, you will learn:
How to find the right topic for your thesis or dissertation
How to write a convincing research proposal
How to conduct a literature review
How to choose and correctly apply an appropriate qualitative or quantitative research method
How to develop a mindset that will keep you writing
How to write like an academic and build up convincing arguments
With The Thesis Writing Survival Guide at your side, you will confidently overcome all the challenges that students typically encounter on their thesis or dissertation writing journey.
The book is written with a focus on the typical needs of graduate students in the social sciences, although students from other disciplines and those who are writing a thesis as part of their undergraduate studies will also find plenty of useful advice in it.
Learn the nuts and bolts of thesis writing—and successfully complete your degree!
- ISBN paperback: 978-3-903386-16-7
- ISBN ebook ePub: 978-3-903386-17-4
- ISBN ebook Kindle: 978-3-903386-18-1
- Paperback: 239 pages
- Dimensions Paperback: 7 x 10” (177.8mm x 254mm)
Dr Dietmar Sternad is an award-winning management professor with a passion for helping his students succeed. He is experienced in supervising thesis projects and enjoys helping students overcome the many hurdles they face when writing their theses.
Harriet Power is an experienced editor who has spent over a decade editing and writing resources for leading educational publishers. She loves helping writers to express their ideas in a clear and engaging way.
The following bonus learning materials for smart learners are available for The Thesis Writing Survival Guide:
- Printable PDF versions of two “summary sheets” (a detailed thesis outline and a summary of a few key rules of APA style) and an Excel template to schedule your thesis project.
- Useful weblinks to additional resources for each part of the book.
Click on this link to get access to the bonus learning materials (freely available for all smart learners). For lecturers, we also offer editable Microsoft PowerPoint® slides for your course. Just send us an email from your institutional e-mail account (including a link that to the webpage that proves that you are a lecturer) to to get these additional bonus materials for free.