
Nr. 1 leadership bestseller in the USA and the UK

This is an important milestone for our young publishing house econcise! For the first time, we have made it to the #1 position of the leadership bestseller list in the Amazon Kindle stores in both the USA and the UK with our new book “Develop Your Leadership Superpowers”, written by Dietmar Sternad and illustrated by Eva Kobin, in August 2023.

The book provides a fast track to learning 50 key leadership skills and includes 50 exercises that can help the reader grow as a leader right away. “Develop Your Leadership Superpowers offers not so much a list as an integrated set of mindsets and behaviors that can transform your work and your life,” writes Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, about the new leadership bestseller.

Get more information about the new bestseller here: https://www.econcise.com/product/leadership-superpowers/