How to develop teaching power

Due to a new Financial Times (FT) ranking, textbooks are getting more weight in determining the influence of business schools.
FT recently published a list of the worldʼs most influential business schools (see Harvard’s ‘teaching power’ puts business school in the lead for influence | Financial Times ( Unlike in prior rankings, which have usually been based on research output, the “Teaching Power” ranking looks at how often textbooks and other teaching materials published by faculty members of a particular institution are used in courses that are offered by other universities and business schools.
Harvard Business School and Sloan School of Management are leading the 2021 Teaching Power ranking ahead of two business schools from the UK (Portsmouth and Warwick).
As international recognition of the key role that textbooks play for the reputation of academic institution increases, new and innovative textbook formats are coming into focus, too. econcise publishing is at the forefront of creating a new textbook format – concise, approachable and affordable – for a new generation of learners. This is where teaching power starts!