Another book is taking off: “Solve It! The Mindset and Tools of Smart Problem Solvers” by Dietmar Sternad is the second book published by econcise, a startup publishing company specialized in concise, approachable and affordable textbooks. Shortly after being published at the end of 2021, the new problem-solving book has been hitting the bestseller lists:
- #1 Bestseller in the “Business Consulting” category on
- #1 Bestseller among all foreign language textbooks on
- #2 Bestseller in “Business Skills” on Amazon UK
“Solve It! The Mindset and Tools of Smart Problem Solvers” provides insights into the science of problem solving, includes stories of how expert problem solvers include the problem-solving task, and presents a model of a highly practical problem-solving process.
The book follows the first short econcise textbook, “Developing Coaching Skills: A Concise Introduction” (also by Dietmar Sternad), which has also become an international bestseller with category #1 positions in leading book marketplaces on several continents.